5 Update News 💡✨

Money Keeper · iPhone App
Hello! 😊 We’re excited to share the latest updates based on the valuable feedback from our users 💪
📌 1 - Improved Alignment for Amounts on the Home Screen
Thanks to your helpful suggestions, we’ve realized that right-aligning the ‘Amount’ makes it easier to track. We’ve implemented this change, and we’ll also apply it to the calendar after further visual enhancements 🎨
📌 2 - Dark Mode & Light Mode
You can now choose your preferred ‘Appearance’ by going to ‘Display’ under ‘More’ 🌈
📌 3 - Added Haptic Feedback for the Decimal Keyboard
We’ve added haptic feedback to the decimal keyboard to enhance your experience when entering income and expenses 📳
📌 4 - New ‘Every 2 Months’ Recurrence Feature
Following the recent update with weekly, biweekly, and yearly recurrence options, we’ve added a new feature that allows you to manage income and expenses recurring every 2 months.
📌 5 - Improved ‘No Category’ Color
The color for ‘No Category’ has been adjusted to be less distracting.
📧 In Conclusion
We want to thank all of our users for their valuable feedback. If you need any assistance or have more suggestions, feel free to use the ‘Send Feedback’ option within the app, and we’ll respond promptly to help you 📨
We appreciate your continued support in managing your finances with our app. Please take good care of your health 💪 and have a wonderful day! 🌷✨

Money Keeper
Expenses Tracker, Payday & Budget Calendar