iPad & Mac Scheduler Launch + 5 Updates 🎉

Scheduler · iPhone Calendar App
Hello there! 😎 I’m excited to announce the release of our Scheduler app for iPad and Mac, fulfilling the requests of many users. Now you can enjoy the Scheduler app in an optimized environment on any Apple device! 🙌
Since the release of the Scheduler app for iPad and Mac, I’ve received overwhelming support and valuable feedback from many users. I sincerely thank you all for your support and contributions 🙏
As I now cater to a much broader range of devices than just iPhone, your help is essential! If you encounter any inconvenience or issues while using the app, please feel free to leave your feedback through the ‘Send Feedback’ option anytime. I’ll promptly address them to ensure a seamless experience 💪
Just like my iPhone app, I’ll continuously improve the iPad and Mac apps to better suit each device and meet your needs 🏃💨
Additionally, I’ve introduced five exciting updates:
📌 Added the option to display ‘Calendar Date Grid’ With larger screens on iPad and Mac, having date separators in the calendar makes it easier to distinguish between different days. This feature was quickly added based on user feedback shortly after the release of the iPad and Mac Schedulers. When enabled, the separators change the corners of the schedule list from rounded to square, enhancing visual appeal and clarity.
📌 Added the option to adjust ‘Calendar Font Size’ I understand that many users found the calendar font size too small. Now, you can customize the font size to suit your preferences.
📌 Added the option to display ‘Week Numbers’
📌 Optimized ‘Split View’ for iPad
📌 Improved convenience for scheduling and setting reminders on iPad and Mac
A big thank you to all users who take the time to share their valuable feedback 🙏 If you need assistance or want to provide feedback or report an issue, please don’t hesitate to use the ‘Send Feedback’ option within the app. I’ll respond promptly and provide assistance 📨
Thank you for being part of my Scheduler app journey. Wishing you a wonderful day ahead! 🌷

iPhone Calendar App