SchedulerGuideShared Calendar

How to Create a Shared Calendar on iPhone

Scheduler · Only What You Need

Scheduler · iPhone Calendar App

How to Create a Shared Calendar on iPhone

This guide explains how to use the “Share” feature of the iPhone iCloud Calendar to create a “Family Shared Calendar” for managing schedules with family or a “Couple Shared Calendar” for sharing schedules with a partner or spouse. You’ll also learn how to sync the shared calendar with the Scheduler app 😊

(1) Open the Apple Calendar app on your iPhone and tap “Calendars” at the center bottom.

(2) Tap “Add Calendar” in the menu that appears after tapping “Add Calendar” in the bottom left corner.

(3) Set “Account” to iCloud, enter a name and color, and then tap “Add Person” under Shared With. It’s important to set Account to iCloud! 📌

It’s important to set Account to iCloud! 📌

It’s important to set Account to iCloud! 📌

(4) In the screen that appears after tapping Add Person, find and add the person you want to share the calendar with. Make sure the person’s contact includes an email address, as this is required to share the calendar! 📌

Can’t see Add Person? Please check your iPhone settings: go to [Settings > Accounts > iCloud > Saved to iCloud > See All] and ensure iCloud Calendar is enabled. 🙏

(5) Once the person accepts your shared calendar invitation, the shared calendar setup is complete 🙌

(6) After completing the sharing setup, activate ‘Link External Calendars’ in the Preferences screen, accessible through the three-dot button in the upper-right corner of the home screen in the Scheduler app.

In the Scheduler app’s Settings screen, activate External Calendar Link, then tap the Select Calendars to Link button and choose the shared calendar you added earlier in the iPhone Calendar app.

In the Scheduler app’s Settings screen, activate External Calendar Link, then tap the Select Calendars to Link button and choose the shared calendar you added earlier in the iPhone Calendar app.

(7) Tap the Select Calendars to Link button and choose the shared calendar you added earlier in the iPhone Calendar app. Now you can manage the shared calendar’s schedule directly in the Scheduler app 👍

Scheduler · Only What You Need